Thursday, January 28, 2010

FYI: Comments asking for contact

I got a comment today that asked me for a way to get in touch. I've already put on the side how to contact me: write a comment, include your email and then I'll write you back. Of course, I won't publish the comment, duh. I read all comments before I hit "approve". If you can't do that, you won't hear from me. I took down my email from this blog awhile ago.

I wrote this at the end of the "About Me" section when I took my email down. I will admit that it's a bit hard to find if you don't read it to the end.
Leave a comment to contact me. I hid my email awhile ago. Remember you have to include your email for a reply. (I screen my comments, so I won't publish it to the world, don't worry.) Otherwise, how else will I contact you? Telepathy?
However, if it's a question about my life in Korea, I'd really want you to have taken the time to read the blog posts. You can search on the sidebar for specific topics. Also, listen to the podcast called "Being Black in Korea."

All of that stuff was written for a reason: to share my personal experience of living abroad. Go through that stuff first. If there are questions after that, then track me down. I'm not going to retell the story when I've taken the time to write it down here.

(if you're reading this from the main page, my apologies regarding the "Read More..." link.  It's something I need to fix and haven't had time to for awhile....eventually, I will.)

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Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog. It's my first blog, and I'm glad folks are still stopping by even though I'm no longer living in South Korea. Feel free to comment. If you want a personal answer, leave your email, and I won't publish the comment. Nasty comments and spam links will not be tolerated.