Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Being Black in Korea: My First Podcast on Metropolitician.com

The audio is below in "Update 3".

Well, I guess I'm officially in the blogosphere now.

My friend, Michael, at Metropolician called me up and asked me if I wanted to 1) be a guest blogger on his site and 2) record a podcast about being black in Korea.
I was hesitant regarding the first option, not because I don't have anything to say but because I just don't have that much time. However, once we got into the discussion and the ideas started flowing, I warmed up to it fairly quickly.

Regarding option two, I thought recording a podcast would be a great idea because too often I've found that people who aren't black, read whites, opine a bit too strongly about how tough it is here for black people. It's fine to have an opinon, but I've had a couple of conversations where a white person seriously tried to convince me about how bad it is to be black in Korea. Now as I'm black AND in Korea I find those conversations to be ridiculous. Yes, it's tough here on some levels, but on others it's no worse, and sometimes is better, than things back home or elsewhere.

Anyway, here is a link to the post, Podcast #25 _ Being Black in Korea (interesting comments), and a direct link to the podcast, Being Black in Korea. From the main page it's Podcast #25 – Being Black in Korea. I just heard it, and it's not bad. Just so you know the start has about a minute of a rap from Boogie Down Productions.

Here is my first Metropolitician blog post...give me a topic, please!


Update 1 : May 5, 2007 @ 9:00pm

I just got home from studying at a Starbucks in Itaewon. While I was there I met three black women who are all teaching ESL here too. Honestly, that makes me feel good to see more of us here because, as I say in the podcast, it might not be ideal, but it's not as bad as some people paint it to be.

It's nice to see more people who look like me after having it be so rare for so long.

Update 2: March 19, 2008 @ 7:45am

The Being Black in Korea topic is still going. In fact, it seems to be becoming a series. Mike has a few things going and a new one is BombEnglish.com where they create real conversations for students interested in learning English to listen to via iTunes or their iPods.

They've brought in Felicia who is also black and teaches in Korea to continue the conversation. This one even has a transcript. They're dealing more with lighter topics, but I didn't read the whole transcript.

Check it out for me and report back, okay?

BombEnglish: 폭탄영어 #7 - Being Black in Korea (Deep Conversation Series)


Update 3: December 12, 2011

Wow, well, my prediction that one day the audio would go missing came true.  However, it went missing while I was on my NYC adventure.  That basically means that the hard drive I'd saved it on anticipating that the audio would go AWOL one day was, well, AWOL.

However, now I'm back in California and guess what I found?

Here is the audio on Dropbox: Being Black in Korea. Ping me if that's down as I also have it on Amazon S3 (but I'm not using it until Dropbox cuts me off; see the instructions on how to reach me in my bio on the right.)

Update 3.1: October 7, 2012

I'm working off of a fancy new computer, and just posted this link on Quora: South Korea: What's it like to be black in Korea?. So I decided to test the Dropbox link. It's working just fine. You don't need a Dropbox account. Just click the link and you'll have the option to download and save the file. On my computer that's in the upper right hand corner of the page. I just downloaded it and it plays just fine.

BTW, I'm thrilled that people are still finding and listening to this. Mike and I definitely helped fill a need.

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  1. Great insights on life in Korea...

    I'm curious what your experiences were like with Koreans in California and how that influenced in any way your decision to move to Korea...

  2. Thanks for your comment and feedback!

    How Koreans in L.A. influenced me is, clearly, pretty positive or I wouldn't have wanted to come here. It might be something I address on the Metropolitcian's site as I did ask for possible topics to wrte about.

  3. Will listen to the entire podcast tomorrow. Interesting so far. Sent it to some of our folks. Good to hear your voice.

  4. Well, thanks for listening.

    Now I have to listen to it. I just remember talking for awhile ;-)

  5. The podcast was very insightful with objective (than subjective) view point. Thanks!

  6. Thanks for your comment.

    I hope the podcast helps bring another point of view to the subject. It's pretty much dominated with one perspective. This is another.

  7. You, Metropolitician, and others need to write a book on this! I think a lot of Koreans and folks interested in Korea would be interested in reading it. Perhaps you could ask Hines Ward or Amerie to write the foreword to generate some buzz for it or better yet ask them to share their own stories a la the book, East to America..

  8. Thanks for your comment.

    I'm not sure Hines or Amerie are good writers. Maybe we could use a ghost writer.

    Sorry for being flip, it's just something I haven't considered and don't think enough care about.

    Maybe I'm just limited by my lack of vision.

    I'll be kicking myself when someone else does have more vision and writes a best-seller ;-)

  9. cool beans...i guess i have to annoy some other person to write it. : )

  10. So is that an offer? You are or someone you have massive influence over is an editor with a publishing house?

  11. I think the reason that some white people like to say that black people don't do well in Korea (despite evidence to the contrary as shown in your podcast) is that they like to try to prove that everyone is racist. I think it helps them deal with their own history of racism.

  12. Thanks for your comment Anonymous #2 ;-)

    You might be right about that. I've never thought about it from that perspective. Interesting...

  13. I just listened to the podcast - you guys are hilarious! Even though it is a serious topic, you guys had me cracking up at my desk. It also provided a lot of insight. I've heard from people in the hogwan recruiting industry that it's very difficult for blacks (and gyopos and other non-Korean Asians and overweght whities) to get hogwan jobs... but as far as racism directed towards blacks once they're in-country goes, this was the first time I'd heard the issue addressed by someone who was both black and in Korea. I realized that the views I held regarding racism towards blacks in Korea was based on anecdotal stories by whites (and those unidentified cats on that unnamed forum!) A lot of the experiences you described (people gasping, pointing at you, wanting to touch your skin and hair) have happened to me too (especially back in the days of my bleach-bloned hair back in 2001). Anyway, thanks for podcasting, it was fabulous!

  14. Yes, I've been told that the pointing and what-not happens to just about anyone who is an "other." Like I said in the podcast, it's not something that happens a lot now because I'm in Seoul, but I'll still get people cutting their eyes over at me not quite sure what to think. It depends on my mood, but sometimes I look at them like they're an alien (that seems to work) other times I'll smile and wave. I rarely do the second simply because I don't want to talk to them ;-)

  15. I agree with one of the previous posters. You and Metro should think about writing a book.

    Hines Ward will not, in and of himself, help to provide a real sustained change of thinking in regards to race in Korea..

    As a melanin-challenged expat, I can't tell you how many times I've had Koreans tell me they didn't quite like my hometown because of "so many black people live there.."

    Never ever ever has a fellow white American said such a thing.

    And the funny thing is, the Koreans can't understand the offense I take at such statements. Why? Because I am not black... Oy vay...

    If such a thing happens during a class, my usual response has been boringly demographic, succintly explaining how African-Americans make more money than all of South Koreans combined.

    That usually works quite well.

  16. You all might be on to something. I guess I really underestimate the interest, but with the increase in importance in the NE Asian region, it's probably worth seriously considering.

  17. All I can say is WOW. That podcast was informative yet funny at the same time. I also would like to go to Korea for my MA in Intl Studies at either SNU or Korea U. Racism in Korea is done out of ignorace because Koreans have not had much exposure to black people. Whites and blacks have been exposed to each in the West ever since Columbus, yet there is still tension and the racism here in the states is much more overt and not done out of innocent ignorance.

    The part about Americans not liking Korean food was funny. Being from New Jersey I have had plenty of exposure to Korean food and if you dont like Korean food dont even bother going to Korea because they will not Americanize their food just for you.

    Continue to have a nice time Jane.


  18. Hah! I know it was spot on. I'm glad it was funny because you can't help but laugh at the stupid YTs here sometimes.

    Thanks I will, but now I've got to get to the bank and pay my electricity bill before they turn my isht off ;-)

  19. Still at work so I haven't yet listened to the podcast...

    But I think the bloated rumors of racism against black folks in Korea (China, Japan) are continually overblown by the same sort of folks who make dumbass comments like, "I didn't know black people listen to rock music."

    To which, my common response is, "You really should get out more." (Why waste a history lesson on someone so dense?)

    They're the same people who don't believe that similar incidents happen in America on the regular. And they wouldn't, because they live insulated monocultural lives when they're home in the US.

    And yet, the discrimination issues against black folks they hear about in Asia are OBVIOUSLY true, unlike the stories they hear on the news in the US, because they too--qualified, educated, law abiding citizens (white AND male!)--have experienced discrimination at the hands of the powers that be while in Asia.

  20. That's a good twist on it that I haven't hit. It's funny how discrimination in Asia MUST be true. However, if it happens in the States, it's the minority playing the dreaded "race card."

  21. Hey Missy!!!

    Mickael, i live in france, i'm black too and was wondering how korean see black people...
    And your blog helped me a lot.
    You seem really objective when it come to "identifies" racism... Some people just see racsim everywhere i mean!
    Reading your blog i really think that in Korea it's more a question of ignorance than intolerance... There's a lot of apprehension i guess???

    But have ever experienced intolerance instead of ignorance... Violence, animosity or some kind of supposed superiority from korean people (racism can take so many form... It's boring at time to deal all the shit people bring you!)

  22. I think something got lost in translation there, but you're welcome.

    However, I did get the point of people seeing racism everywhere. I simply try not to because I don't see the world as all about me.

    Now I do see people reacting to me and that's irritating when they're gawking or offensively staring at you, but I just gawk and stare back. Me mocking them usually makes the point that what they're doing is, well, irritating and stupid.

    In the city of Seoul it's a bit better, but the Japanese ARE nicer ;)

  23. "In the city of Seoul it's a bit better, but the Japanese ARE nicer ;)"

    I ask this in the utmost seriousness with only the desire to know your opinion. Unless, of course, I missed the joke - which is possible, I'm really bad at guessing emotion online since there are no 'facial expressions'/voice inflections...in which case, totally ignore the following questions.

    Why do you think this is true? Is it b/c Japanese have had more exposure to blacks/other minorities? Is it because of how the ideas of Confucianism has evolved in Japan? A stricter modicum of manners?

    I've never been to Japan so I'm asking out of sheer curiousity.

  24. No there is no joke, the Japanese are nicer.

    However, I know so little about their culture that I can't generalize as to why. I'll just say it's a nice change when I go there ;)

  25. I find the podcast really insightful - I am studying at university in Japan at the moment and afterwards would like to go and study in Korea because I love the culture and food and people, but was slightly worried by all the horror stories on the Internet.

    I would just like to clarify, however, that 'Europe' is not one entity. I don't know where abouts you went in Europe but some countries are more used to ethnic minorities than others.

    I am British and was born and raised in England, as were my parents. England is very multicultural and I have never been stared at or pointed at or experienced any racism. The same can be said for when I go to Italy, France or Malta.

    But anyway, after listening to the podcast, I feel a lot better about going to Korea. I have a lot of friends from Korea in Japan also studying at university who don't have any issue with my race. People said Japan was bad but I've been fine. In fact, people come up to me and tell me I'm 'cute', which is the best compliment a female can receive in Japan and everyone treats me normally so hopefully Korea will be the same!

  26. You're welcome.

    I've been to quite a few places in Europe and I'm well aware it's not a monolith. However, for the sake of brevity and making the point quickly, over-generalization makes it easier. I'm hoping the people listening understand that there are exceptions and get that I'm generalizing.

    Like your point about Europe, the same stands for Korea vs. Japan. It won't be the same.

    These are two different NE Asian nations. With similar and over-lapping, yet distinctly different languages, histories and cultures. The Koreans will point. You will get gawked at sometimes. But where you have the gawking and pointing hicks you also have some nice people who will want to get to know you and your culture.

  27. Hello,
    I find your blog quite interesting because I am a haitian american that is a young adult (15) who is interested in learning the language and traveling to South Korea. I'm wondering...do you have any suggestions???

  28. Thanks.

    The thing is I didn't come here with many cares about Korean culture. I mean I wanted to learn about them and respect the culture I was living in, but I never had any desire to study Asian culture. I wanted to live abroad and find a way to travel for a bit of time.

    A bit of a warning. You will deal with resistance. I have foreign friends who are fluent in Korean and know more about certain aspects of Korean culture than Koreans themselves. It can get frustrating for them. It gets frustrating with me. After years of being here I still get the attitude that I couldn't possibly know anything about Korea. So until Koreans actually get and understand that foreigners want to learn their language and culture, it's going to be tough. But maybe it's the same for a white person who majors in black studies.

    That's a long way of saying, I'm not the best person to ask because it's just not my focus. Take Korean language, culture and history classes. Watch Korean TV (if you're in an area where there is a sizable Korean immigrant population there is usually one channel that will have Korean TV and if you've got cable you can subscribe to the Korean channel.) Like any interest in any culture, try to find out as much as you can.

  29. Hey there,

    I'm a black woman trying to get a job teaching english in Korea... can you give me any advice?



  30. I assume you've taken the time to listen to the podcast. If not, do that first.

    Getting work isn't too difficult. Just go to Dave's ESL Cafe and start looking for jobs and start applying.

    There is tons of advice on how to get through the hiring process. That applies to us just as it applies to people of any color.

    Make sure you research the school, talk to people working there and make sure the school's not had any problems with pay or otherwise cheating their teachers (that does happen.)

    Other stuff is basic - figure out if you want a rural or city setting and don't let a recruiter or school rush your decision (if it doesn't feel right it's probably not). There are a good number of jobs and with the new visa laws less people are coming here, so that will pay off for you.

  31. Enlightening post! A black rutgers student in my korean language forum (koreanovernight dot com): Bashmentgal, wants to know what it will be like teaching english in Korea... I'd love to see you two connect. - Wan.

  32. Well, I'm just days from leaving Korea. However, being here for so long, my opinions and insight on it will remain. She can find me via email. I'm surprised if she's interested that she's simply not searched on Google. That search always brings people right here.

  33. This one probably doesnt need to be posted but I have been trying to come to Korea to teach english from overseas and I am actually having a hard time. Would you be able to tell me what school, or program you came through? Any tips? I would greatly appreciate it thank you!

  34. You didn't leave an email, so I had to publish your comment.

    To answer your question, I didn't go through any program. I went to the job boards and just started applying. I took just a couple of days to realize with a grad degree and my previous teaching experience that I was more than qualified by Korean standards to teach at universities and colleges. After that, I focused on those only.

    I would say go to the job boards and start submitted applications. hagwons are after school programs usually run as a private business. There are programs the Korean government has to bring teachers into their public school system too.

    You need to do the online research to find which jobs might work for you. If you just have a B.A. a hagwon will be the easiest job to get. If you have a higher degree then university or college jobs. If you have a teaching credential, you might even be able to go to one of the international schools but that's not ESL. That would be as teacher educating foreign and Korean students in a Western-style curriculum.

  35. hey regina. just yesterday i told another would-be teacher to listen to this and decided to listen again (2.5 years later) and everything you said is still 100% true. i dont know if ive said it (or said it lately), but listening to this quelled every fear i had (instilled by the stupid davesters). you are the reason a lot of people got up the courage to get here, thank you for blogging, for sharing your experience, for your bluntness and honesty. i appreciate you. ^^

  36. Yeah, it's, hopefully, very consistent. I don't think I was saying anything enlightening. I was just talking about my experience after years of being there.

    I'm glad it's still helpful. Folks, including yourself, have told me it's made a difference in their decision to move there or not.

    Thanks for the kind words. Now let's hope that someone in NYC agrees with you and starts appreciating me here. Looking for work in this economy is brutal ;)

  37. i was listening to "Being black in korea" podcast, heard them saying black africans won't probably listen to that..I'm a black South African and i do believe other black africans are listening to ya podcasts..just making u aware of that

  38. Huh? I never said anything like that. I believe that I said I couldn't weigh in on the experience of blacks from Africa in Korea and that the experiences were different.

    However, of course, a black person whether they're from the USA, UK, or the African continent might listen to this podcast. I think you misheard something.

    Thanks for listening and living a comment.

  39. i guess it's the male speaker who said that..

    Anyway i'm listening n will suggest it to othes

  40. I've not listened to it in awhile, so it's possible that he did.

    Anyway, thanks in advance for suggesting it to others.

  41. Hi, Regina! I was just googling black ppl being in Korea, sort of curious, since I'm young and never been to Korea.. Asia at all.
    I don't know, I guess I'm pretty scared that I'm too naive to even be able to visit Korea, so I googled it! Haha.
    I'm 15 and live in Sweden. People here normally NEVER stares at you or anything like that, like, out in the open, in my experience.

    Wow, I'm sort of just writing without getting to the point! Typical. I just.. aah! I don't know what I want to say, really.
    I guess I'm happy that I found your blog, I've always been very curious about other cultures, and right now I'm hyped over Korea, it's basically been like that for a year. And I just wanted to know if it would be possible for me to be visiting Korea (I guess Seoul) for a limited time - vacation.
    This is in the future, after graduation and stuff. Now in fall I'm entering this international program - International Baccalaureate.. Uhm, I don't know why I wrote that.
    Might be good if I want to study abroad in the future.. just a thought *wink, wink* (KOREA!)

    Oh, and sorry, my English sucks! As I said, I'm Swedish, haha! Again, I'm really sorry about rambling. I guess I'm kinda nervous.

    And I really admire you. Aaah! I don't want to sound too naive! I guess it's my youthfulness.. blabla! -,-
    Well, bye! :)

  42. I stumbled across your blog googling blacks in korea. Well I am here in Seoul right now visiting for 10 days on a cultural exchange trip with my church. I know it is not the same as living here but, so far, my experience has been good. But then again, I travel with a mostly American group and a few Koreans.

    I was apprehensive about the trip because I had some bad experiences with Koreans growing up in Phila.

    So far, Seoul is a cool place and I like the food. People do stare but I pretty much try to look pleasant and mind my business. I am trying to set an example as a decent American.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing and listening.

    Question: Have you met any Koreans who have African blood that live in South Korea?

  43. You're welcome.

    Regarding back experiences with Koreans in Philly, well, it's the same thing we point out to people, right? If you've dealt with a rude black person or been victim of a crime committed by a black person should we really all be judged because that person has no manners or is a criminal? No.

    So think when you do that.

    Plus, in Philly my interaction with them has been positive, but I had 8 years of living in Korea. So I approached them differently. I approached them usually speaking Korean ;)

    Also, it sounds like you just got there and will not be there for long (and, yes, this is for folks like you.) There are Koreans who are mixed. There is a history of discrimination against mixed race children who are black and Korean in particular. When I was there, some mixed race Koreans were making achievements: the football player, Hines Ward; a couple of pop singers, Amerie is one and there was another having huge success in Korea and had a big hit singing in Korean. She did the talk show/variety show circuit for awhile because I was seeing her on TV all the time. I met a whole family where the father is a black American preacher. His wife is Korean and their kids were college age at the time (going to school in the States.) I got the feeling from talking to the mother that the kids had lived in Korea for a certain amount of time because they were heading up a church in Seoul, so their congregation was in Seoul.

    So do most live in South Korea? Not many of the ones I know or have met because the tradition is there is a lot of discrimination, so why subject your child to that? I wouldn't. I have met some who've come back to live and learn about Korean culture. The guy I recorded the podcast with is one of them. His father is black and his mother is Korean.

  44. Thanks for your response. You are right about my experience in Philly. It just made me nervous but I did not act on those feelings. My experience has been great. Thanks for responding. I do recognize that I am a visitor and that is different from living here.

    God Bless!

  45. Glad to hear you're having fun, enjoying it and learning!

    I think that's the goal of all of this.

    It's nice to take away lessons too. I realize that Koreans have very negative reactions to being subject to racism, just like we do. I know this is a feel-good perspective, but I do think if everyone realized that WE ALL go through this (and, yes, white people go through it too), we'd all be much more patient with each other.

    We all generalize and judge. We've all been on the other side of it too.

    Enjoy the rest of your time there!

  46. Hi Regina,
    Stumbled on your website, now for the second time. Just listened to your Black in Korea podcast. Loved it!! It's the second time I've stumbled across your blog because I'm considering applying for a teaching position, through a recruiting agency, in Seoul.
    Ironically, I'm kind of on a reverse course from you. I too have the J.D. and the B.A. from the "good school" and am from the City -- where the law job market sucks a--, these days. (Have lived in Japan as an undergrad).
    I'm wondering what your thoughts are on a Black woman in her early thirties trying this new experience on at this stage of the game. Do you know of folks over there in this age range teaching English, or is it just the young roaring 20s crowd? What are things to be on the look-out for?
    Thanks for whatever bits of info you can share! :)

  47. I could have sworn we alluded to my age. I moved to Korea in my early 30s. I'll leave it at that regarding age.

    Yes, people on the uni level are frequently in their late 20s, 30s and even older.

  48. Another fellow J.D. checking in! Anyway, I'm very interested in teaching in Korea and so far, the only interest I have received is from public elementary and middle schools. I'm a black female in my mid-twenties and it seems hagwons tend to favor those of the Caucasian persuasion. I feel like I'd rather teach at the university level but can't seem to find any jobs. I've sent my resume and picture (since they require it) to many recruiters but really have no clue how to get a university position. Any advice would be appreciated!

  49. Well, your first mistake is universities aren't hiring now and won't be hiring until next semester.

    Basically, you're off schedule. As you know, universities are on a cyclical schedule. That means they start looking at the end of the term when they know who they're not going to renew and when teachers inform them they'll be moving on. Basically, it's a cycle of replacing teachers who are leaving. Usually, the shakedowns happen in late November and early December. Hiring for the spring starts sometime in December (sometimes earlier, but usually not). The cycle will go from December until the jobs are filled. It's best to start looking early. I'd also say get creative in terms of applying. Maybe find an area you want to live in and just find the nearby universities and colleges, find their English language departments (usually distinct from the English literature department but sometimes not) and apply.

    The cycle is the same at the end of the spring semester. Things start in March and the shakedowns happen in May and June. Around June or July the help wanted ads go out and the process is the same.

    Also universities and colleges also have hagwons, but those go year round. Their schedules are hagwon schedules: classes at night and classes in the mornings. I'd avoid those jobs because the schedules aren't the same.

    Good luck.

  50. Weird question, what did you do for your hair? I'm graduating from college and thinking about teaching in Korea. The only problem, I'm worried about not being able to get my hair done. I've had international friends already warn me that there will be no one who understands any hair type different than Korean. So, what did you do? Hopefully you will answer.

  51. Hey Faith,

    Well, I wear my hair natural, so it wasn't an issue for me because I did my own hair most of the time.

    However, your friends are misinformed. There are plenty of Africans who live there and braid hair just like they do here in the States or anywhere else for that matter. There is a alley in Itaewon just south of the main road that had, at least, one braid shop. That alley also has a few African shops, and all you'd need to do is ask if someone knew someone who braided hair.

    I'm actually in a library right now, so I don't have access to my cell phone but I've got a couple of numbers too ;) (The problem is since those numbers are a few years old at this point, there is no guarantee they still or or even if those braiders still live in Seoul.)

    Anyway, there is also a shop called "Family Hair Shop". It's run by Korean ladies who were trained on the base. They KNOW how to do black hair. Now, we all know there are particular textures, so if you have a certain way you do your hair tell them. Sometimes they're a little too matronly and will just nod and do what they're used to rather than listening to you. Just be firm. However, I was a regular customer. They braid, and I could get a mani/pedi done at the same time. It was ideal for me.

    Their contact info:
    You can call them at 02-796-3538.

    If you copy and paste this link you can see another comment where I also described how to get there.

    A rule of thumb: in big cities with military bases like Seoul, Daegu and Busan, just go to the areas near a military base and there is usually one shop nearby that can work with kinky hair. If you decide to go, let me know and I can give you the link to a really good Korea-based networking group on FB for us.

  52. i am a black student interested in the homestay programs in korea. i hope to gain more insight.

  53. Good luck!

    Honestly, a Google search is going to help you with that more than I can. I worked for universities and either had their or my own apartment the whole time I was there.

  54. hey,im 13!i always here that blacks arent acepted in korea!i mean really,does every race hate us as black people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. Not true. I lived in Korea for 8 years and did well.

    There are people who don't like blacks no matter what. There are also people who don't.

    Plus, if the person you're speaking to has never been to Korea and hasn't taken the time to get to know Koreans and their culture, well, they're generalizing.

    I've had some racist incidents with Koreans, but I've also had some very pleasant experiences. Many I count as close friends.

  56. Hello Regina,

    I would love to hear Podcast #25 on Being Black in Korea, however, I cannot find a link that works. Do you know how I can hear it?

    Thank you.

  57. Well, it looks like the file is now gone.

    I figured it would happen eventually. However, I'm away from all of my files, so when I get back in early February, I'll upload it and link it here.

    Thanks for letting me know.

  58. Hi Regina,

    I am currently learning the Korean language and have received a lot of support from my Korean friends (they are foreign exchange students). Although I am a male, African American (as well as other ethnicities other than Asian) Junior in High School, I have had so many dreams of living in Korean and enjoying it there.

    Unfortunately I have had some setbacks due to articles and biased speeches on how African Americans are less likely to be accepted in Korea because of the media or mindset that has been distributed amongst the continent of Asia as a whole. Should i continue to work towards that dream or just stay in the US.

    (P.S...I am thankful for your pod cast. It was very enlightening and it helped me with most of the questions that I had that were left unanswered. It is always good to hear from a positive African American woman such as yourself.)

  59. Thanks but, honestly, a bit confused because the podcast is MIA right now. (It's not on the server for some reason and I've not had the time to sort through my old files to find my copy.) I'm wondering where you heard it and if that was recent because, if so, share that link and it will save me a lot of work. :)

  60. I heard your podcast a couple years ago back when I was in gradeschool. I remember briefly what was going on. I wish I knew where to find the link because a lot of people could benefit from your experience.

  61. Okay, that makes sense because now it's MIA. I've got it somewhere. I just have to find it. I anticipated it disappearing eventually.

  62. Hi Regina

    I have been seriously thinking of moving to Korea for at least six months or more....but people have been scaring me about bein black in Korea, i am usually confident and i am used to people staring at a back girl...i studied in a small town in england and when i worked part-time in a phone company i ws the only black girl and i got a lot of stares it dint bother me too much.

    I want to know how their life styles is over there from the dramas i have been watching their culture has a lot of similarities with african culture. I have never been to a country where i dint have any friends or family but i would like to experience it.
    is life over there expensive, what about the rent is it expensive as well? what kind of job will someone like me be able to get over there?
    I konw a lot of black men that have married Korean women, have u sen any black woman with a Korean guy? Thanks

  63. Hi there! I'm interested in listening to this podcast, but the link here isn't working. Is there some other way I could listen to it?

  64. That comment back in February where I said I'd look for it? Well, I can't find the chord to that hard drive. If it's there, I can't get to it right now. Your best bet would be to click over to the Metropolitician's site and ask him where it might be. I'll get around to it...eventually, but things like working and now, probably moving, are taking a ton of my time.

  65. Regina,

    Work is good...and necessary :) If you ever do find it, I'll want to hear it, as well. I've got some friends in Korea right now. It'll be interesting to hear what the mood is like there now that they've got the Winter Olympics. Have you heard anything?

    Brian B.

  66. I got a crapload of friends there, so my FB page blew up. I was excited and posted a status update. That got very active. I'm sure folks are excited.

    Again, it might be a good thing to contact the guy who recorded it and uploaded it. Either the host where that audio is got closed or he canceled it. Hard to tell but, I'm sure, he knows. :)

  67. The audio is FINALLY found. So listen and ask questions if you have 'em.

    Sorry it took me so long to finally find it, but blame Mike. He was the one who hosted it. I'm just glad I had the foresight to save it. ;)

  68. Regina, thank you for going the distance and getting this audio back up. I'm listening to it right now. What a delightful voice, so articulate and well spoken ;) Seriously, though, I'm lovin' it. I'll be looking forward to your upcoming essay, and welcome back to the West Coast!

    Brian B.

  69. Essay? I've no plans to write an essay. Do you mean one that I've already written? (I've written one for a book, but have no idea where it is in the publishing process. Plus, how would you know about that?)

    Anyway, you're welcome and hope you find the podcast informative. I'm glad I had the time to find the file and get it back online.

  70. Hey Regina, I checked the update and the link isn't working. Can you post a new link?


  71. Actually, it is working. It's on Dropbox and it's public. I checked it in a couple of browsers. It's in Update 3.

    Here is the link if you just want to cut and paste it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b0rdag9k3ke88q8/metro_025_black_in_korea_2.mp3


Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog. It's my first blog, and I'm glad folks are still stopping by even though I'm no longer living in South Korea. Feel free to comment. If you want a personal answer, leave your email, and I won't publish the comment. Nasty comments and spam links will not be tolerated.