Yeah, "intelligence everywhere"
except in their customer service! |
Honestly, I'm so exhausted that I just need to write this out to get it off my chest. There will be a
part 2 or even part 3 (hopefully, won't be needed) because the low level of customer service happening here is just insane.
Why? I thought that I lucked out when I got a
Motorola Cliq XT Android phone for free. I mean "wow". My little Blackberry was still holding on and I was going to wait until early next year to do an upgrade. Yet, I was envying my Android and iPhone carrying friends to some degree.
Initially, the phone worked like a charm. I'm not sure what happened but the home button stopped working and my calls now immediately roll into voicemail. It sucks. I'm in matches of phone tag constantly and there isn't a thing I can do about it except apologize profusely to the people that are trying to contact me.
I took it to T-Mobile. They looked at it and confirmed the phone wasn't working. They checked it for water damage and they were ready to switch me to a new phone.
But oooops! Because it was a freebie phone from Motorola, they told me I had to contact them. (Which, BTW, I HAD.)
This is where the clusterfuckery begins. I call and their automated system that routes you to the right person is frustrating at best. I finally get to someone and she tells me my "options" are to mail the phone in. I stop and I say "and my other option is?" She repeats that I can mail the phone in to be repaired. I explain that "options" is plural which, in English, means there are, at least TWO choices. I point out she's only given me one choice. She then corrects herself to stay that is my only option.
WTF? WTF? (I'm not pleased to hear this). I've not bothered to get a home phone. The last one I had in Seoul was just a waste of money. I rarely used it.
Hell, here I'm never home and, when I am, I don't want to talk to you. I do have Google Voice and I have made calls via my computer, but what? You can't send me a loner flip phone or something to tide me over? WTF? And, let me point out this piece of crap was given to me by this company.
Anyway, I ask to speak to someone else because this is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time. All around the policy is what it is. No one can help, not even the folks listening to the conversation via social media (yes, their
@MotoMobile Twitter account responded).
The customer service for this
phone sucks on so many levels! |
The problem is I was moving so there is no way I'm sending my phone to Texas when I'm trying to move. I call today because having a phone that doesn't ring is so many levels of ridiculous it's not funny. It's to the point that I'm missing IMPORTANT calls and I'm having a hell of a time just getting things done because people really do screen their calls with voicemail now and call back.
I give up and decide, fine. I've got to bite the bullet, send the phone in and be phoneless for a few days. 30 minutes on the phone to get an RMA number to return the damn phone. I'm also told postage is on me (fine, fine...the piece of crap phone was free) but that it will take 5 to 7 business days to get it back to me. EXCUSE ME?
I'll update you all on what happens next, but, trust me, had I known their customer service policy was this shitty I wouldn't have accepted the phone.
So, note to self and anyone who reads this: just don't buy Motorola. I think I'm going to upgrade to a
Samsung Galaxy, I'm just going to try to hold out until I get to the T-mo upgrade period (early November for me.) I'm not that pleased with T-mo's customer service on this issue either but 1) I didn't buy the phone from them and 2) they have no impact on Motorola's crap service policy.
I'm sorry but eff you Motorola. You suck.
Yes, I know, lesson to me: a living lesson in you get what you pay for.
More Moto hate here:
Here is the promised
Part 2 that I also linked above.
Summary only...
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