Saturday, May 10, 2008

Strong Afrika

Okay, enough of my left leaning politics...for now.

I just got this pic last night but it was taken last weekend when me and a bunch of friend were out en route to checking out the goings on at the Lotus Lantern Festival and parade. We were walking out of the City Hall subway station when I saw a group of people in traditional African costumes. Once everyone in my group noticed, we HAD to stop.

They're with a performance group called Strong Afrika and they do drum and dance performances here in Korea. In fact, all of them are from various west African nations and live here in Korea.

Isn't that just cool?

Yeah...that's cool.

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  1. Life is something else isn't it? You just never know what amazing experience will occur.

  2. Well, yes and no.

    I see Africans here in Seoul more than I ever did in San Francisco or L.A. Maybe it's just they blend in more in the States, meaning it's harder to tell them apart from black Americans. Here it's easier. But, honestly, I just think because there are simply more Africans near where I live that I see more on a daily basis.

    That's great because I never came to Korea thinking the number of Africans I saw would increase.

    It was great running into these folks last weekend.

  3. There is just a whole lot of cool in that photo ;)

  4. Love the photo Expat Jane and I am quite sure Strong Afrika always puts on good shows. I am assuming the people in the back starting from left to right are part of Strong Africa, if not hey I tried. LOL

  5. You've got more faith in them than I do ;) I have no idea about the shows they put on. But, most likely, if they're getting festival bookings, they put on a great show.

    The people in costume are the people in Strong Afrika.

  6. yes, very cool! now get on the website and find out when they is all performing so we can go! chop chop!!!

  7. Jambo dada!(Hello!sister) Regina
    I am Gotie' Mbobile' the Leader of Strong Afrika .
    Thank you for that beautiful picture You're so kind.We still in Seoul/Korea for a very good festival's season .
    Will you join us and dance some "Ndombolo , Kpangor , Coupe'- decalle',zoulou ? )
    Hope to see you again
    God bless

  8. Hi Gotie! I moved from Korea a couple of weeks ago, but a few of the others are still there and would love to see a performance. Please leave me a comment with your email address, and I'll make sure everyone gets in touch.


Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog. It's my first blog, and I'm glad folks are still stopping by even though I'm no longer living in South Korea. Feel free to comment. If you want a personal answer, leave your email, and I won't publish the comment. Nasty comments and spam links will not be tolerated.