Korea Beat › Happy Teacher’s Day

Okay, Teacher's Day was last Friday in South Korea. It always caught me by surprise when I was there, so it's no surprise it's any different now that I'm away. I always thought this was a great day and something we in the States should be envious of.
It really is such a simple and nice way to say "thanks" to the people who work so hard to teach.
Posted via web from Regina's posterous
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I believe more in the adage, "an honest day's work for an honest day's pay" should be payment enough.
ReplyDeleteHowever, as I've moved on in life, I have tracked down some of my better teachers and shown my appreciation for their hard work, as some of my previous students have done with me. I believe having a heart-felt chat face-to-face years later is much more a significant gesture.
I don't disagree, but I don't think doing that is mutually exclusive from also having a culture that appreciates teachers. It's possible to acknowledge and appreciate your teachers as a student and to also go back to visit years later. I've done the same thing and I always make a point to visit my professors when I'm back in L.A. or San Francisco. As the years go by, staff turns over. So now a lot of my communication with them is virtual ;)