Update # 6 December 12, 2007 @ 12am
Again, I just don't want to start a new John Mayer post. Plus, this is the post that's Johm Mayer download central.
Over at TryJM, they have a post where you can download the December 8th, Charity Revue that happened at the Nokia Theatre. Here is the link to that: Download the Los Angeles Show 12/08 Thanks to Susi and Debbie.
However, the download site really sucks, so I've uploaded the files to 4Shared.com. There is just a wait, but no confusing site prompting you for money and no wait between downloads.
Here are the links:
The Band
Update # 5
10:57pm Seoul, South Korea, July 30, 2007
I forgot that a friend shared this with me. I've uploaded it to MegaUpload:
The making of In Repair: In Repair - One Song, One Day
The instructions for Megaupload are below.
Update # 4
2:10pm Seoul, South Korea, January 22, 2007
Just because I'm not starting a new Mayer blog for this, I'll just update it here.
I'm very thankful to the folks at the Try JM blog for uploading and sharing the links to the .mp3 files of John's January 19, 2007 interview with 98.7 FM in Los Angeles.
I was off skiing, and I missed it.
However, what I hate is RapidShare which makes you wait up to 18 minutes between files to download.
I've taken the files and moved them to Megaupload which is where I've also uploaded John's preview of his Continuum album which he also did on 98.7 FM.
The interview is in two parts and it runs about 8 minutes each. 16 minutes o'fun with John Mayer...ain't it amazing?
Download and enjoy, my sweets!
John Mayer - Jan. 19, 2007 - 98.7FM Interview, part 1
John Mayer - Jan. 19, 2007 - 98.7FM Interview, part 2
The Megaupload instructions are below after the Continuum preview links.
Update # 3
2:10pm Seoul, South Korea, November 2, 2006
Due to ineptitude on the Mayer site I've located, zipped and uploaded the Live at the Chapel performance here for those who missed it. There are Megaupload instructions below after the Continuum preview if you need them.
Update # 2
5:45am Seoul, South Korea, October 29, 2006
Facebook.com is open for anyone and everyone, so I've removed the 2006 tour photos as I really could give two cents about tour pics. Now that you can join, join and check them out on Facebook.com. The link to the group is on the John Mayer site here.
Update # 1
5:55pm Seoul, South Korea, September 13, 2006 (early AM on the 13th in the States).
Now that Continuum is out, I'll link this first and then you can scroll down for the rest of the contents. Basically, Mayer wrote a nice blog about being a musician and his new release. It might be an act, but he strikes me as someone who truly "keeps it real", as they say, more often than not. Being from L.A. I'm quite jaded about entertainment folks.
Here it is: The Continuum Super Blog.
That's very sweet and touching, no?
If it isn't completely obvious now, I'll just say that I'm a recent John Mayer convert. Hell, I've mentioned his music and other stuff surrounding him in three or four posts and this blog is just two months old. It smacks of a new discovery which I admit, for me, he is.
Sue me! I've not lived in the States since 2000.
I fucking love this guy's music. Plus, he's damn funny. He reminds me of friends I used to hang with back in the day. And, my regular readers know I don't swear much in my writing (live might be another issue, but I'll leave that to my friends to judge), so this has to be the real thing as I've found that I lock into truly talented artists after I discover them. That goes for newbies or the vets. I think Mayer is destined to be a well-respected vet. Plus, I also like that the newbie aspect means he's tapped into the internet and has a pretty slamming blog. A lot of newbies don't have the brain power to write stuff that is engaging. This guy does. Sometimes it's heavy on the merchandise plugging, but it's his damn blog and where else can he unapologetically plug his wares?
I can do without the throngs of silly and giddy females, but that comes with the territory if you're a decent looking young guy, which he is. It just stinks of everything I hate about, L.A., my hometown: groupies, sycophants, hangers-on, flatterers, etc. Don't get me wrong. There are some good souls in L.A., but this other category of people make me wanna ... nevermind. Forgive me, I'm just a sensitive L.A. born and raised soul.
Anyway, his new album, Continuum, is set to drop on September 12th. I pre-ordered it because I don't want to have to deal with running around to record stores here. I mean they'll have it, but will they have it at the exact moment that I have the time to drop by and get it? Plus, if you've read my recent post about my upcoming class schedule you know that I'm going to be screwed from September 1st until the semester is over. It's best just to be efficient, take care of business and order the damn thing. Mayer's record company has my money already.
What's cool is he decided to debut his album on L.A.'s Star 98.7 today. Well, technically, yesterday as it debuted at 5pm on August 23rd, PST which is the next day here. I got up, tuned into the 98.7 webcast, and I simply loved the CD. Star 98.7 has a listen on demand link (which doesn't seem to be working as I type this), but if you want to download the file I'm here to serve.
Due to the hard work of another Mayer fan on MySpace, I can link you to the full broadcast so you can listen to it yourself. Thank you so much Creepy!
You have three choices:
1) You can download it in four segments or download the zip file of the whole thing. I have a DSL connection and for the separate segments it took me maybe 3 to 4 minutes each to get the whole thing. These files are in .wav format.
2) You can download the full broadcast on one zip file. The zip file will take about 20 minutes on a DSL connection.
3) You can download the full broadcast in MP3 format (my choice). That way you can put it on an iPod or other MP3 player. I'm firing up my Palm PDA right now. Thanks to Kevin, another fan from MySpace, who converted Creepy's zip file into MP3 format.
Ya'll rock.

Here are the links:
Continuum debut, part 1
Continuum debut, part 2
Continuum debut, part 3
Continuum debut, part 4
Continuum debut - complete broadcast - zip file
Continuum debut - complete broadcast - MP3 format
If you need a primer, here you go.
1) When the page to MegaUpload opens there will be a box in the right hand corner. Next to it will be a three letter code.
2) Type in the three letter code and hit enter.
3) You'll then have to wait 45 seconds before you can download it.
4) Once it's ready it will instruct you to click to start the download. Just direct your computer to save the file and then let it rip.
Come back with comments if you love it. Come back with comments even if you hate it, but if you hate it you have bad taste in music. ;-)
Also, if you like it, show John some love and buy the CD. He's done something I haven't seen an artist do in a long time because of a fear of the rough and tumble lawless Internet. It's just brilliant marketing if folks who like it go and throw down the cash for it when it comes out.
If Mayer won't be playing in your town here is his Webster Hall performance that was streamed on the net on September 13, 2006. (BTW, Webster Hall was a fun club the last time I visited NYC.)
Thanks so much to
Lori, another dedicated Mayer fan from MySpace, for
linking this on her blog. As I've said before, you rock!
Before the tour pics, interviews, idle bitchy digs and gossip:Here is something to whet your appetite.
John Mayer's AOL Music Session (Note, the link is rather plain and it makes me think that once it's replaced you'll have to search for it in their archives). FYI, John Mayer's session is number 589 which might help your search when it rolls into the archives.
Here is a CNN interview done on the same day:
John Mayer: New MovesHere is a scan of the September, 2006 Rolling Stone Interview:
Big Mouth Strikes Again. It's a MySpace blog, so you probably need a MySpace account. However, I'm not sure.
Excerpt from the September 2006 Rolling Stone Interview (this has sound):
Big Mouth Strikes AgainUSA Today Interview (August 10, 2006):
Mayer drops the cute act to craft careful 'Continuum'Oh, but wait, this is some funny stuff from the Gossiping Bitches website. It's circa 2005, but it's still funny:
John Mayer Receives Ghetto PassAnother from the Belligerent Intellectual re Mayer's
backstage demands:
John Mayer Would Get Along Great With My MomAnd, who can forget Mayer's botched foray into the world of
stand up comedy this summer?
Plus, an incredibly
authoritative tabloid is reporting that he's
secretly dating Jessica Simpson. If this rumor is true,
which People magazine and
PerezHilton.com report it is, hahahahahaha. That's just some nasty shit. Ewwwww, orange women with plastic boobies fetish much? Of course, the Superficial went after Johnny with a vengance:
Jessica Simpson dates Quasimodo. Hahahahahaha...that's just cruel.
Update on the John and Jessica rumors:It's been a damn mess. Someone "leaked" info about their alleged budding romance and the reports are Mayer tossed her. Now I do think they were starting to date, but that's where it gets ridiculous. If you're just starting to date someone it's not love. It very well could become love, but her camp was going ape shit with spreading rumors. It was just tacky media whoring in my not so humble opinion.
After a few days of buzz Mayer posted this on his blog:
Don't Believe the Hype post. Once the rumor got out that he'd commented on the rumor, the high amount of traffic to his blog shut it down for a bit. That's too funny to me.
Here is Jessica on The View, however, flat out denying it: